summer 98

Friday 22nd January 1999 - No. 14.18


The parent-teacher consultation meeting for Year 12 takes place on Monday week, 2nd February, from 5.30 pm onwards. Students should now be arranging interviews for their parents with their teachers.

Parents will be able to hear of the progress which has been made since the start of A level and GNVQ courses in September.


Uniform standards have slipped noticeably over the last few weeks, so spot checks will be made next week. Students who are incorrectly dressed will take home a letter to their parents pointing out the irregularity and insisting that corrections are made. Thereafter, in accordance with the governors’ policy on uniform, students will be sent home from school if they are not wearing the correct uniform.

A number of students are wearing outdoor coats inside the school buildings during the day. Again, this is not acceptable- and is unnecessary, as heating levels throughout the school are more than adequate.


We have been asked to draw parents’ attention to a series of lunchtime lectures which is taking place at St George, Tombland, on Tuesdays from 1.15 pm until 1.45 pm.

Next Tuesday, 26th January, the speaker will be Jill Raven, Managing Director of Bonds of Norwich, and on 2nd February the speaker will be Professor Charles Handy. Tickets cost £3.50 at the door: further details can be obtained by phoning 437000.


We shall be supporting a charitable project in Congo, Africa, which seeks to give a basic education to children who otherwise would not have the chance to learn to read and write. Congo, formerly Zaire, is one of the world’s poorest nations and has experienced oppression and civil war in recent years. The charity which oversees the project is Global Care which seeks to help the world’s neediest children. Global Care say that to teach the children to read and write costs no more than a pound a year for each child: so much for so little! Detailed information on the project and Congo will be provided to all students in next Thursday’s PEP lesson.

We have received a large number of proposal forms from students, but more are welcome: please write down your ideas and hand them in to your Form Tutor or to the school office by the end of school today. Next week, we shall produce a programme of events and activities and will issue sponsorship forms for approved ventures.

Charities Week begins on Monday 8th February and our target is £4,000+: enough to give a year’s education to 4000+ children in one of the poorest countries in the world. So much for so little!


Joseph Mantripp in 11Dn has set up a project which is looking at ways in which life at the school can be improved over the next two years. He has already spoken to the Traffic Department at City Hall about the traffic situation on Eaton Road.

Joseph would like to hear from any student who has an idea for change or improvement: you can contact him in M3 at registration times or via a note in the form register.